If you're fond of remote-controlled vehicles, you might appreciate this video tutorial on how to program a Traxxas electronic speed control. The Traxxas R/C ESC models you will learn to program are t ...
If you're fond of remote-controlled vehicles, you might appreciate this video tutorial on how to assemble a Traxxas high-current connector. To add a high-current connector to your Traxxas R/C model v ...
Check out this five-part video tutorial on how to apply paint wash weather effects on an RC airplane. If you like building engines and bodies for remote-controlled vehicles (airplanes), then this wil ...
Check out this five-part video tutorial on how to use fiberglass finish over balsa wood for RC airplanes. If you like building engines and bodies for remote-controlled vehicles (airplanes), then this ...
Check out this video tutorial on how to use the "double string method" to simulate cylinder fins on dummy model engine cylinders. If you like building engines for remote-controlled vehicles (airplane ...
These models are sometimes called "elevator" helicopters because they basically go up and down. There are no cyclic controls, so don't expect much control. Here is a simple explanation of how to trim ...
Watch this instructional hobbies video to setup and modify the Honeybee CP2 and CCPM remote control helicopter. Also, pay attention to some helpful remote control helicopter flying tips. Never fly aw ...
Watch this instructional hobby video to properly set up and fly a remote control helicopter. Transmitter switches and servo wires should all be set up this way. Charge the flight pack and you are read ...
Real airplanes can't take any sort of crashes whatsoever. Lighter model planes can take a bit of roughing up, but nothing severe. If you crash all the time this may help ease the learning curve proces ...